14241 SW 120 ST Suite #107
Miami, FL 33186
Paralysis Recovery

Multiple Sclerosis Injections and DMT Infusions: How Do They Work?

Research on multiple sclerosis (MS) has shown significant progress. As a result, many people diagnosed with MS have started complementing their trips to a neuro rehab center in Miami with new remedies like multiple sclerosis injections and disease-modifying therapy (DMT) infusions. However, even with the growing popularity of these potential treatment options, many aren’t aware of their exact mechanism, risks, and benefits. Hence, we thought of tackling DMT infusions and MS injections for this week’s topic.


MS injections and DMT Infusions: A Promising Source of Relief

Multiple sclerosis injections and disease-modifying therapy infusions have shown significant potential as treatment options for people living with multiple sclerosis. To help you understand how they work, here are some quick facts about them:

  • Both MS injections and DMT infusions come in handy in controlling new and existing nervous system inflammation.
  • DMT infusions focus on changing how your condition progresses.
  • Injectable MS medications like interferon beta-1a help protect against nerve damage. 
  • Injectable medications and infusions can help slow down the progression of MS symptoms.
  • MS injections work best for patients with long-term or relapsing symptoms.
  • Patients can administer injectable MS drugs at home according to the physician’s instructions.
  • DMT infusions require a trained healthcare professional to administer the treatment using a catheter or IV line. 

Injections and infusions offer MS patients an alternative option to oral medications. Unlike the oral options, injections and infusions do not require daily dosages. Instead, you can administer them weekly or every other day, depending on the instructions provided by your physician.


A Closer Look at Injectable Multiple Sclerosis Medicine

MS injections are widely available in the USA. Most of them require subcutaneous (under the skin) administration to help the body absorb the active ingredients slowly. Some examples of the most commonly used MS injections include the following: 

Interferon beta-1a 

It prevents nerve damage and excessive inflammation. It is an intramuscular injectable that patients need to administer once a week.   

Interferon beta-1b 

Administered subcutaneously every other day, this MS injection helps regulate your immune system’s inflammatory response. 


Doctors sometimes recommend ofatumumab to prevent B cells from damaging the protective layer of your nerve tissues

As you might recall from basic anatomy lessons, the B cells are among the foot soldiers of your immune system. They produce antibodies that attack and neutralize foreign substances in the body. Unfortunately, in the case of MS patients, the B cells over-react and attack the proteins found in the myelin sheath. 

Thankfully, medications like the ofatumumab can help manage the B cell problem. With the correct dosage, patients can potentially avoid further nerve damage. 

Glatiramer acetate 

This injectable drug for MS patients resembles the proteins in the myelin sheath. So, the immune cells attack this substance instead of your nerve tissues. The dosages largely vary depending on several factors, so patients need to work closely with primary doctors. 

Peginterferon beta-1a 

This MS injectable drug is a popular choice used by relapsing patients. It acts as an immunomodulator, meaning it can help regulate the activities of your immune system.


DMT Therapy Infusions for Multiple Sclerosis 

The Food and Drug Administration has approved four DMT infusions for MS care. These products are as follows: 


Just recently, FDA approved the use of Ocrelizumab. It is an infusion treatment that applies to both relapsing and progressive cases of multiple sclerosis. Doctors administer this drug every two weeks for up to six months. It specifically targets the B cells to help the myelin sheath heal and repair. 


Doctors prescribe this infusion drug to patients who have tried at least two other medications for MS relief. It reduces the number of B and T cells circulating in your system and regulates the body’s inflammatory response. 


Sometimes malfunctioning T cells travel to the brain and spinal cord. Unfortunately, this leads to tissue damage that can aggravate your MS symptoms. Thankfully, you can avoid this situation with the help of natalizumab. 


In the earlier years, doctors used mitoxantrone to treat cancer. Nowadays, they administer it to MS patients once every three months to suppress the immune system’s inflammatory response.


Keep Seeing Results In Your MS Recovery Journey With The Help of Our Neuro Rehab Center In Miami

Multiple sclerosis patient care regimens have improved over the years thanks to new medications and breakthrough discoveries. We hope to see more promising drugs such as those we enumerated above to help patients manage the physical manifestations of their condition. Hopefully, you have learned a lot of new things about MS injections and infusions and how you can potentially use them in conjunction with your fitness and rehabilitation plan.  

Also, don’t forget to keep your appointments with your go-to neuro rehab center in Miami. Regular fitness and rehab center visits are vital for anyone aiming to thrive with multiple sclerosis. The more committed you are to completing your sessions and retraining your body to overcome paralysis, the better results you can get. 

At iAM ABLE, the leading neuro rehab center in Miami, we help our clients recover and lead happy lives by providing intense fitness and rehab programs. We focus on filling up the gaps between traditional physical therapy and your potential to achieve significant improvements in your overall mobility, independence, and functionality. Our fitness trainers and therapists focus on the following areas: 

  • Range of motion
  • Strength
  • Stimulation
  • Gait
  • Balance and body coordination
  • Weight-bearing

Our training and rehabilitation programs consist of tried and tested exercises. More importantly, we pay close attention to each client’s progress, goals, and needs to ensure that we can make necessary adjustments to our exercise-based regimen. 

We encourage you to coordinate with our team or drop by our fitness center to learn more about our strategy for helping MS patients achieve a promising recovery journey. 

You might also want to download our eBook on surviving and thriving with paralyzing conditions or injuries. It’s an informative reference material that provides actionable steps to embrace your new life and overcome the challenges of your current situation.


Grab our free e-book 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis by clicking the image below.

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iAM ABLE focuses on helping clients reclaim their lives by providing intense, exercise based health and fitness programs designed to increase function...

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