14241 SW 120 ST Suite #107
Miami, FL 33186
Paralysis Recovery

What Is a FES Bike? What Are Its Benefits?

A functional electrical stimulation bike can be a powerful tool in recovery from spinal cord injuries. It is also beneficial for survivors of other forms of trauma or illness that may cause paralysis or paresis. To understand the benefits, we first must understand the basics of a functional electrical stimulation bike. For example:

  • What is functional electrical stimulation (FES)?
  • How does a FES bike work?
  • What are the possible results of this rehabilitation therapy? 

Let’s take a closer look at how FES and FES bikes, in particular, are helping paralysis patients acquire the best outcomes.

What Is FES?

Let’s begin by defining functional electrical stimulation. FES refers to the use of electrical pulses to stimulate paralyzed muscles or to improve the function of weakened muscles with little to no function. 

FES allows a paralysis patient to exercise muscles that could otherwise not move. To accomplish this, an FES device uses electrical impulses to cause the contraction of the muscles. The nerves receive stimulation that no longer would happen on its own. One purpose is to exercise the muscles. However, another purpose is to help the nervous system rewire its own connections to improve function for the patient. 

What Is a Functional Electrical Stimulation Bike? 

An FES bike is a stationary bike with a computer that supplies the electrical impulses for a patient who is undergoing therapy. It will automatically detect muscle output and produce current at the right time. This allows a patient to naturally cycle despite weakness, paralysis, or other functional issues.

What muscles can FES activate? A lower extremity FES bike would work on muscles like the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and glutes, to name a few. However, there are also upper extremity FES therapies that stimulate the biceps, triceps, and so on, for patients who experience paralysis or weakness in the top half of the body. There are also FES systems that specifically target bladder and bowel function. However, this is more common in Europe than in the US at this time. 

What Are the Benefits of a FES Bike for Paralysis Recovery? 

There are many physical benefits that come from the use of a functional electrical stimulation bike as a recovery therapy for patients experiencing paralysis or paresis. Here are a few to consider:

  • Improved cardiovascular health – Exercise is a must for good heart health. 
  • Increased strength – Strengthening the muscles is a crucial benefit as muscle can deteriorate rapidly when not in use. 
  • Enhanced bone density – The exercise can help to maintain or even increase bone density. 
  • Maintain or improve range of motion – FES can help ensure that further function is not lost while providing the possibility of gradually enhancing capacity for movement. 
  • Sensation recovery – Repeatedly exposing the muscles and nerves to stimulation during the activity may result in partial or complete restoration of function. 
  • Reduced spasticity – The muscles become spastic when they cannot activate on their own. The electrical stimulation helps to release some of this tension. 

In addition, there may be mental health benefits as a result of exercise. For example, exercise releases feel-good hormones in the body. Also, as you see improvement in your condition, this can be a boost to your mental state. Overall quality of life improvements often enhance mental health.

Finding the Right FES Cycling Routine for You 

The routine you require in order to maximize your progress is going to depend on your personal needs and circumstances. The location and extent of the injury or the type and severity of your illness will play a role. Of course, the recovery facility that you choose will also be a significant factor because not every therapy facility is equipped with an FES bike or other modern therapies. 

One example of a routine that you may perform would be three sessions per week. At least three sessions per week is optimal for cardio health, although respiratory benefits begin at just two aerobic sessions per week. Your schedule may be different depending on your outpatient facility, availability of the equipment, and the recommendations of your healthcare provider. 

Finding an Outpatient Facility that Meets Your Needs in Southern Florida 

In Miami, iAM ABLE is meeting patient needs with both traditional and modern therapies. Functional electrical stimulation and an FES cycle with both upper and lower extremity stimulation are available to help you reach your recovery and independence goals. 

Recovery can be a long journey. That is why we have also prepared an encouraging eBook to give you the mental and emotional tools that recovery demands. The book is entitled 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to Thrive after Paralysis. If you or a loved one is dealing with this situation, we encourage you to download and read this publication, even if you don’t live in southern Florida. 

The first thing that you will notice about the book is that it doesn’t try to make you okay with your new circumstances. The goal is to get you to accept your new circumstances so that you can meet the challenges ahead with confidence. You are far from alone. You can still thrive, despite living with circumstances that will make many things in your life more challenging. 

iAM ABLE is here for you, to help with your recovery, both physically and emotionally. Start your preparation for your journey with the eBook today. Then, give us a call at 305.283.9717 to learn more about what we can do for you at our facility.

Grab our free e-book 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis by clicking the image below.

FES Bike


iAM ABLE focuses on helping clients reclaim their lives by providing intense, exercise based health and fitness programs designed to increase function...

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