14241 SW 120 ST Suite #107
Miami, FL 33186
Paralysis Recovery

Preventing a Second Stroke: 7 Life-Saving Tips for Patients

Did you know that about 23 percent of stroke survivors are at a greater risk of suffering from second or recurring stroke attacks? On top of that, patients who go through another cerebral infarction within three months after the first attack tend to suffer severe and permanent brain damage. This can significantly impact a patient’s chance of achieving stroke recovery in Miami and lessen the survival rate. 

Thankfully though, you can increase your chances of avoiding this troubling situation with the help of simple lifestyle changes. Learn about the top 7 life-saving tips for stroke survivors below. 

#1. Monitor blood pressure fluctuations

Stroke.org shares that high blood pressure is one of the most significant risk factors for recurring strokes. That’s why if you want to avoid hiccups in your journey towards stroke recovery in Miami, you must pay close attention to your blood pressure. We suggest keeping a digital sphygmomanometer at home so you can check if you’re within the normal blood pressure range based on your age.

If in case you’re above the normal range, we recommend asking for medications that can help you regulate your blood pressure. Some examples of medicines used to keep blood pressure problems at bay include the following: 

  • Calcium channel blockers
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Diuretics
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers

#2. Take advantage of the Mediterranean diet 

The Mediterranean diet has earned its reputation for keeping meals low in cholesterol. It has also gained plenty of traction in the health community because studies associate it with things such as: 

  • Increased protection from recurring strokes
  • Improved weight management 
  • Decreased risk for stroke complications like diabetes and hypertension 
  • Reduced inflammatory response
  • Improved mental health

Furthermore, a 2018 study published in the Stroke journal found that switching to a Mediterranean diet works wonders in lowering stroke risks. It might help to explore this diet or integrate food items like fish, nuts, fruits, and veggies into your daily meals. 

#3. Manage sources of stress and anxiety 

Stress, anxiety, plus other mental health concerns can push your heart to work harder. Additionally, studies note that stress can trigger widespread inflammation. When this happens, macrophages get released into the bloodstream and increase the likelihood of thrombus (blood clot) formation and plaque rupture. So, moving forward, we recommend reducing or eliminating your sources of stress and anxiety by following any of these tips: 

  • Being around people that matter to you
  • Enjoying activities you like
  • Exploring new hobbies
  • Practicing basic self-care techniques
  • Spending enough time away from your work desk
  • Dedicating enough time to relax and pamper yourself 

#4. Keep in touch with your doctor

Any patient who wants to ensure stroke recovery in Miami needs to stay in touch with a cardiologist. This will help you assess your heart’s overall condition and detect blood circulation problems before they trigger complications that might lead to another attack. 

Besides a cardio doctor, we recommend working with other specialists like neurologists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists. With their guidance and comprehensive diagnosis of your overall wellbeing, you can improve how you cope with the effects of your first stroke and manage risks for subsequent attacks. 

#5. Regulate your blood sugar levels

A study explains that high blood sugar levels can result in larger lesions in the brain during a stroke and an increased mortality rate. Because of this, many researchers look into the potential of using glucose-lowering therapy to help recovering patients avoid fatal complications like another infarction. Doctors also advise stroke patients to regulate their blood glucose levels by doing the following: 

  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle so you can burn excess calories
  • Consume high amounts of fiber by eating at least five servings of fruits and veggies a day
  • Drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration 
  • Mind your portion sizes when you eat
  • Never skip meals, even on a busy workday
  • Check and monitor your blood glucose levels 
  • Limit salt and sodium intake

#6. Limit smoking and drinking alcohol 

Many studies have proven that nicotine and alcohol can cause detrimental effects. It also poses several risks to patients with pre-existing health issues like a previous stroke. Here are some quick facts to help you understand their impact on your body: 

  • Smoking 20 sticks of cigarette a day increase your risk of suffering from a recurring stroke by up to six times more than non-smoking individuals.
  • Smoking is among the leading causes of preventable deaths and public health issues
  • Stroke survivors who revert to their smoking habits after an attack are three times more likely to experience subsequent infarctions.
  • Increased alcohol intake can elevate your risk of cerebral infarction by up to five times,
  • Alcohol can worsen the damages caused by a previous stroke.
  • Midlife heavy drinking always increases stroke risk, regardless of genetics, pre-existing conditions, and other risk factors

#7. Ensure a smooth stroke recovery in Miami with the help of activity-based therapy 

Activity-based therapy is among the most popular rehabilitation programs people undergo to speed up stroke recovery in Miami. Essentially, it involves performing guided exercises with varying intensity levels to help stimulate body parts paralyzed after a stroke. The technique also provides several benefits to stroke survivors, including

  • Stronger functional muscles to lessen dependency on your carers
  • Improved immune, cardiovascular and respiratory organs
  • Effective weight management to keep blood cholesterol levels in check
  • Increased flexibility and strength of the core muscles to decrease risks for injuries
  • Lesser muscle spasms and spasticity to lessen discomfort
  • Improved brain-body communication by restoring damaged neural pathways

At iAM ABLE, we provide this program together with other services designed to help stroke survivors cope better with paralysis and decrease the risk for recurring cerebral infarction and other health complications.

We encourage you to visit our fitness center at 14241 SW 120 ST Suite #107 Miami, FL 33186. Alternatively, you can ring our office at 305-283-9717 or download our guide on ensuring a smooth stroke recovery in Miami.


Grab our free e-book 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis by clicking the image below.

7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis


iAM ABLE focuses on helping clients reclaim their lives by providing intense, exercise based health and fitness programs designed to increase function...

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All material published by iAM ABLE, including its website, and third-party information, is for informational purposes only. iAM ABLE encourages clients and readers to confirm information. Clients and/or readers should review information with their health care provider. iAM ABLE will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages from such information.
Copyright © iAM ABLE, iAM ABLE is a DBA of MIAMI SCI WELLNESS, INC. which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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