14241 SW 120 ST Suite #107
Miami, FL 33186
Paralysis Recovery

What Is Activity Based Therapy?

Do you know where to find an excellent activity-based therapy center in Miami? If not, then this blog is for you.

iAM ABLE, an activity based therapy center in Miami, is an exceptional place to start your recovery journey. We make sure to give you a kind of care that’s aligned with your goal of living a better life after paralysis.  So, scroll down to learn more about activity based therapy and how you can benefit from it.


What is Activity Based Therapy?

People living with the effects of a spinal cord injury, stroke, or traumatic brain injury experience motor and sensory impairments. These things result in significant physical disability. Patients suffer from poor balance, muscle fatigue and weakness, and inability to stand or walk. In short, they go through a debilitating phase of a partial or total loss of certain body functions. As a result, they face difficulties in performing daily activities. 

Activity-based therapy aims to help patients recover from these issues. Since each injury is different, every activity-based program is specifically designed for each patient’s needs. Its purpose is to improve a patient’s overall function, restore their independence and enhance their mobility. They can unlock these benefits through the acquisition of certain physical skills.


What Happens During Activity Based Therapy?

During activity based therapy sessions, you will work with amazing therapists to get you back on your feet. Here at i AM ABLE, we use intensive, specific, and dynamic forms of training to help patients regain their full mobility and function. 

Not only that, but we also provide weight-bearing exercises as part of our program. In addition, we offer locomotor training and neuromuscular electrical stimulation. These interventions help activate and ultimately restore your most needed body functions. We assist you in performing exercises that play an essential role in improving your balance, function, and motor skills.


The Exceptional Benefits of Activity Based Therapy

#1. Restores motor function

By using specific, patient-focused and safe training, you will recover from the loss of motor function in no time. Activity based therapy involves different techniques and exercises to help you get to your desired results. 

One of which is neuromuscular electric stimulation. It aims to activate your nervous system, decrease pain and increase your range of motion. As a result, you would experience greater function in the disabled part of your body. Most essentially, this intervention can result in significant improvement as you perform your daily activities. 

That is why an activity based therapy is suitable for patients recovering from paralysis due to stroke, SCI, TBI, cerebral palsy, and many more. You can visit an activity-based therapy center in Miami to provide you this important benefit. 

#2. Helps you relearn certain activities and movements

Paralysis from certain neurological damage can take away your independence. It makes you rely more on other people and even machines to survive each day. The ultimate goal of activity based therapy is to help you relearn basic activities and movements that are crucial for regaining your independence.

Activity based exercises can help you strengthen your muscles, work on your balance, and maintain your entire range of motion. When you start to acquire these benefits, you can then relearn and perform daily activities with more ease. Depending on the severity of your motor impairment, the activities you will relearn will vary. These include relearning the proper way of moving your hand to eat, taking a bath, or simply bringing a glass of water to your mouth. 

#3. Provides physical and emotional support

After you regain motor function and relearn basic activities, you will be set on the path towards recovery. This step is not easy, and it may take you a little while to become independent again. Fortunately, some activity based therapy centers in Miami, including i AM ABLE, provide physical and emotional support to help you overcome roadblocks along the way. Once you get the physical and emotional support you need, it will become easier to focus on your recovery journey. 

#4. Improves your mood 

Besides helping patients deal with paralysis and pain, activity based therapy fights mood problems. In addition, activity based exercises activate your endorphin hormones that can help boost and improve your mental health. When you experience all of these benefits, you will feel an increase in general well-being. 

#5. Enhances body balance

Balance is greatly affected after your body is under paralysis. Activity based therapy can improve your balance and help you avoid trip and fall accidents. In addition, improving your balance can help you engage in certain activities that you may not have been able to do with your condition. 

#6. Improves your quality of life

Activity based therapy is all about improving your life after paralysis. You will surely attain recovery by reducing your pain, enhancing your lifestyle, and regaining your balance. In addition, the social support that you will gain from joining our program will take your recovery journey to the next level.


An Activity Based Therapy Center in Miami That Values You 

If you need professionals who can give you a quality physical support system, iAM ABLE is here for you. We have a dedicated team of physical therapists who can help you achieve great benefits after paralysis. We will work closely with you to ensure that you will receive thorough, appropriate, and holistic care. This way, you will be able to return to the healthiest and best version of yourself. You can begin your journey to recovery by downloading the eBOOK that we made specifically for you – Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis.


Grab our free e-book 7 Unbelievably Important Steps to Take to THRIVE after Paralysis by clicking the image below.

activity-based therapy center in Miami


iAM ABLE focuses on helping clients reclaim their lives by providing intense, exercise based health and fitness programs designed to increase function...

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All material published by iAM ABLE, including its website, and third-party information, is for informational purposes only. iAM ABLE encourages clients and readers to confirm information. Clients and/or readers should review information with their health care provider. iAM ABLE will not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages from such information.
Copyright © iAM ABLE, iAM ABLE is a DBA of MIAMI SCI WELLNESS, INC. which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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